What the Ink Knows
by Paula Panich
At last! My printmaking site: www.whattheinkknows.com
Categories: Writing/Artmaking • Tags: contemporary art, monotype, printmaking, takach press. charbonnel ink, what the ink knows
by Paula Panich
At last! My printmaking site: www.whattheinkknows.com
Categories: Writing/Artmaking • Tags: contemporary art, monotype, printmaking, takach press. charbonnel ink, what the ink knows
by Paula Panich
Fueled by frustration and a manuscript of unpublished culinary essays with recipes, I spent two years writing letters to agents. Silence. Only one wrote back with regrets: She hadn’t heard of M.F.K. Fisher. Fit to be tied, I swore I’d never write again. Then I thought: The literary magazines! Why not make a game of getting published? […]
Categories: Writing/Artmaking
by Paula Panich
This is my Alice Munro bookshelf. Every book published, at least in this country. I began reading her a quarter of a century ago. I not only love her writing — that’s a given — but I will be forever grateful to her for the opening and clearing of my own writerly voice. She has […]
Categories: Writing/Artmaking • Tags: Alice Munro, Alice Munro Nobel, First Canadian Woman Awarded Nobel Prize, Nobel Prize for Literature, Nobel Prize for short stories
by Paula Panich
http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2013/06/08/arts/20130608Heyman-obit.html?ref=design “I have been a girl child and, in my expectations, a mother . . . I have tried to be prettier than I am. I have been treated as a sex object, and at times I have encouraged that. I have been married and have seen my husband’s work as more important than […]
Categories: Writing/Artmaking
by Paula Panich
N.B.: This is a post by guest blogger William Linsman, his first post ever. Story and photos copyright William Linsman, 2013. Yesterday, May 1st, was International Workers Day Remember when the Soviets used to parade their tanks and missiles through Red Square? Near my office is L.A.’s Craft and Folk Art Museum (CAFAM) and […]
Categories: Writing/Artmaking • Tags: art, Los Angeles
by Paula Panich
Is there no end to the glorious depth of Los Angeles? Apparently not, since last week I met face-to-face with the amazing Shelley Bonus. Writer, teacher, novelist, performer, lover of gardens and landscape, and . . . astronomer! We met for lunch in Santa Monica and I left two hours later a changed woman. Imagine […]
Categories: Writing/Artmaking
by Paula Panich
Reviews of Cultivating Words “The preface to Cultivating Words includes the statement: “Gardeners are among the most generous people on earth.” Paula is referring, of course, to the way gardeners share their plants and expertise with each other. It’s true. And this little book tells how to take that natural generosity and spread it even […]
Categories: Writing/Artmaking • Tags: Cultivating Words, Reviews
by Paula Panich
On Saturday, June 19, our printmaking group will hold a show and sale in Pacific Palisades, Calif. Four of five artists make monotypes, as I do. Here is one of my monotypes, in a series of ten, entitled Dream Dust . My artist’s statement: I spent a quarter of a century writing down the dust […]
Categories: Writing/Artmaking